ISTC supported the third Annual Meeting of the Kazakhstan Physical Society

The third Annual Meeting of the Kazakhstan Physical Society (KPS) took place this year at the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A total of 47 oral and 15 visual presentations were registered for participation, reflecting the latest achievements in various fields of modern physics, physical technology, associated problems, prospects for further development of current areas of physical science, and achievements in nuclear energy.
The KPS event was organized with the support of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC). Among the speakers were leading scientific organizations and institutions from Kazakhstan, the United States, France, Russia, Japan, Turkey, Poland, and other countries. The meeting took place June 7-11, which included plenary and breakout sessions, a presentation session on all physical science topics, and technical tours of the unique facilities of the National Nuclear Center and the former Semipalatinsk Test Site were conducted. As a result, high-level reports were presented, underscoring the relevance of the selected topics and the professional level of organization of the event.
The annual meeting of the KPS provides a platform for communication, exchange, and coordination among scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan for conducting active research in various fields of physics and related sciences.