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ISTC Releases its Annual Report 2010: Developing International Science Cooperation


ISTC released its 2010 Annual Report highlighting science cooperation between Russia, other countries of CIS and Georgia, together with Canada, the EU, Japan, Norway, South Korea, and the United States. Up to date, more than 850 million USD have been directly invested into projects carried out at institutes to support areas of science such as Nuclear Energy, New Energy Sources, Medicine and Biotechnology, Aerospace, New Advanced Materials and Environment. With 582 projects worth $246 million under management in 2010, ISTC proved to be a driving force in developing science and technology in CIS countries and Georgia.

In the framework of the Annual Report the Chairman of the Board Ronald Lehman acknowledged that “the excellence of many scientific institutions was restored. Peer-to-peer scientific synergy was provided. Transition to modern management practices was supported as well as further creation of commercial enterprises.”

“The theme of the report this year is ‘Developing International Scientific Cooperation’. By choosing this theme, I wanted to emphasize that ISTC is one of the few mechanisms operating on the former Soviet Union territory that promotes real international collaborative research and development. This view is supported by our project collaborators. Their testimonies can be found in our new Annual Report”, stated Adriaan van der Meer, ISTC Executive Director.

Numerous success stories can be found in this edition of the Annual Report. A special neutron spectrometer was created for the International Space Station to measure the radiation doses faced by astronauts. An important upgrade to a medical isotope production facility in Khlopin Institute was carried out. A new stem cell treatment for cardiovascular diseases was developed. Radiation protective agents were produced as well as large scale atmosphere monitoring was done through all of the Russian territory. Numerous other examples are mentioned in the report.

An electronic version of the Annual Report can be downloaded at Annual reports.

Read Adriaan van der Meer's remarks: download