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ISTC Releases a Book on Cooperation Opportunities in the Field of Ultra-High Intensity Lasers



The idea of this book was inspired by the new Targeted Initiative of the International Science and Technology Center "Ultra-High Intensity Light Science and Technologies” (UHIL S&T). One of the main objectives under this TI is to facilitate an international partnership in the domain of high power and high intensity lasers to extend the frontiers of fundamental science, material processing and medicine through coordination of activities of research centers, governmental agencies and private organizations. 

This publication, initiated and sponsored by the ISTC, is a compilation of materials, reviewing the state-of-the-art in the area of research, related to terawatt and petawatt laser systems and summarizing for the first time the results achieved by the leading laser laboratories of Russia. 

Another focus of the book is on large-scale international projects, such as HiPER and ELI and prospects of their further development. In this connection research potential of the 12 major laser institutions of RF is considered from the viewpoint of possible integration of these organizations into the international efforts under the European megaprojects. The ISTC TI can be viewed as a trigger and further facilitator for such multilateral research.

Enclosed in the book is an impressive list of project proposals (~30) which might be implemented under the TI. The proposed projects (their commencement being dependent on the availability of investors) imply a wide cooperation of the leading Russian laser centers and their western counterparts. 

The book was presented at a special session on the ISTC TI within the framework of ICUIL Conference at the University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics, that was held on September 26 – October 1, 2010, Watkins Glen, New York, USA. 

Dr. Y. Malakhov
The ISTC Coordinator of the UHIL S&T Targeted Initiative