ISTC organized the 77th Governing Board meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan

Today, the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) convened its 77th Governing Board in a hybrid format in Astana, Kazakhstan. The ISTC is an intergovernmental organization with diplomatic status, established by international agreement in 1992 to advance peaceful scientific research, collaboration, and capacity building support addressing the global security threat of the proliferation of WMD-applicable chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) knowledge and materials worldwide.
The Governing Board confirmed and approved new funding of AM-2803 “Radio Frequency Timer based Electron, Photon and Heavy Ion Detectors” for new open call projects by Japan: three hundred sixty-three thousand eight hundred dollars ($363,800).
"During the meeting, we discussed a wide range of opportunities and challenges related to global security and nonproliferation," stated Dr. Ronald Lehman, chair of the ISTC Board. "A wide range of nations are represented on our board, and peaceful research is our top scientific priority. Our partners and the work that ISTC has done over the past year make us proud." Dr. Lehman continued, "We are creating a new ISTC strategic plan and roadmap for the future, and our board members discussed their thoughts on our present projects.”
All ISTC members were represented in the Governing Board meeting, which was preceded December 6 by strategic discussions to guide the future direction of the ISTC. The ISTC Secretariat briefed on its ongoing operations, including its current programming which consists of 49 projects (as of December 6, 2023) in CBRN capacity building and safety, security, and safeguards. The two-day meeting addressed strategic communications as well as planning for ISTC’s 30th anniversary in 2024, the EXPO event in Osaka, Japan, in 2025, and the ISTC Strategic Roadmap for 2024-2030. Governing Board members also reviewed the ISTC’s budget for 2024, staffing and project reports from the ISTC headquarters and branch offices, and the ISTC’s outreach plan to potential new members and partners.
ISTC members additionally discussed their efforts to support ISTC’s sister center, the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, and efforts to counter disinformation. Members reiterated the important roles of both Centers to support civilian science and technology partnerships that advance nonproliferation and address global security threats.
The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1992 that funds and coordinates scientists and research organizations from different countries with the aim of preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The headquarters of the ISTC is located in Astana, Kazakhstan. Members currently include Armenia, European Union, Georgia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Tajikistan and the United States.
Over the period of almost 30 years ISTC has implemented over 4,500 projects, attracted 1.45 billion USD in funding, engaged over 80,000 scientists and has been active in engagements in 100 different countries worldwide.
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