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ISTC Organize the Presentation of a Film on Yuri Gagarin’s First Orbit Around the Earth


In advance of the world premier on 12 April of ‘First Orbit’ - a documentary depicting Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into orbit, the film’s director, Dr. Christopher Riley, was in Moscow to discuss the making of the film and to give a presentation to 200 children from the Moscow State School – 1520. Dr. Riley also introduced and showed the film to an invited audience at the British Embassy at an evening event organized by the British Embassy in Moscow. 

‘First Orbit’ uses original film and recordings from the launch and flight of Gagarin’s Vostok 1 Spaceship, coupled with film from the international space station, depicting Yuri Gagarin’s historic space flight in real time. The film has been made with the assistance of Roscosmos, The Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, the European Space Agency, the International Space Station, the British Council and the BBC in London. 

Following the school’s presentation from Dr. Christopher Riley, an award ceremony took place for the best works of art dedicated to Space by the pupils of the Gymnasium, sponsored by ISTC.

More information on First Orbit Project at:


Christopher Riley and translator


Mr Riley giving prizes to pupil