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ISTC met with the Japanese Ambassador to Kazakhstan


ISTC Executive Director David Cleave, Deputy Executive Director Rashitdin Kokenov and Senior Program Manager Junko Ishikawa met on September 10 with Jun Yamada, Japan’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan, to discuss ISTC’s participation in EXPO 2025 in Osaka, Japan next year. The meeting with the Ambassador was in Astana. ISTC appreciates Mr. Yamada’s cooperation and support on the project.

EXPO 2025 is a six-month event that brings the international community together to exchange and celebrate science, culture and economic development. ISTC will organize an ISTC Special Day in EXPO 2025 on August 27, 2025, featuring progression toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. ISTC looks forward to playing an active part in EXPO 2025 as an international organization committed to scientific innovation.