ISTC met with a new Head of the European Union Delegation to Kazakhstan

ISTC Executive Director David Cleave met with Aleksa Simkic, the new Head of the European Union Delegation to Kazakhstan, on November 15 in Astana to introduce and inform the new Ambassador on ISTC's activities in Central Asia and globally in conducting the ISTC’s mandate of CBRN non-proliferation and creating peaceful multilateral science and technology collaboration for a safer, more secure and sustainable world.
The European Union is a founding member and supports ISTC in its mission of CBRN non-proliferation and creating peaceful multilateral science and technology collaboration. The EU was one of the original signatories of the agreement that created ISTC 30 years ago. In addition to supporting the ISTC, the European Union is the main trade and investment partner of Kazakhstan accounting for more than 30 percent of Kazakhstan’s international trade and investment.