ISTC Leads PPRD Med Second Steering Committee

ISTC representatives organized and co-chaired with DG Echo, the second Steering Committee of the Prevention, Preparedness, Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (PPRD Med) initiative. The Committee met in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, on 25 and 26 June. Launched in June 2023, PPRD Med helps participating countries prepare for and proactively reduce the risk of natural and man-made disasters, including earthquakes, floods, wildfires and industrial accidents, in the Mediterranean region. The PPRD Med project is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. The ISTC technology team operates the PPRD Med with the support of the European Space Agency. The high-level delegations were welcomed by the Head of International Partnership at DG ECHO of the European Commission.
The second Steering Committee meeting, overseeing the PPRD Med, was attended by thirty-nine participants from 8 countries. A significant milestone was the signing of the PPRD Med National Roadmaps, outlining the next steps in collaboration with the European Commission, by eight partner countries. This signified their strong commitment to the initiative.
The Steering Committee engaged in a detailed discussion on the PPRD Med pilot projects in six countries, focusing on Pilot Projects 1. These pilot projects address risks related to floods, natural hazards causing industrial accidents, and earthquakes, providing a comprehensive approach to disaster risk reduction.
July marks the start of the operational doctrine development schedule, which will last until July 2025. The doctrine guides each partner country on integrating space analytics into operational and planning activities related to preparedness and response. The doctrine will help identify both risks and resources needed to respond to crises, as well as guiding principles for strategic and operational decision-making in the event of a disaster.
The delegations confirmed their interest in the cutting-edge technology presented by the PPRD Med tech team and ESA experts and expressed their gratitude to the European Commission and the PPRD Med team. They underlined the benefits of the national pilot programs and expressed their openness to further regional cooperation. Many delegates emphasized the importance of additional guidance and training to achieve the goals of the PPRD Med program.
The third Steering Committee is scheduled for December. Visit to learn more about PPRD Med.