ISTC has supported three young leaders’ participation in the STS forum 2022 held in Kyoto, Japan


From Oct.1 to 4, the annual international conference, STS forum 2022 was held in Kyoto, Japan.

This “STS” means, “Science, Technology in Society” and the purpose of this forum is to discuss the benefits of advances in science and technology, and also the concerning issues they newly raise, with the global opinion leaders consisting of not only scientists, but also policymakers, business leaders, university presidents, research institute directors, presidents of science and technology investment foundations, and the media.

Also, the organizer of this forum invited about 160 young leaders of various field from all over the world, expecting them to deepen the topics facing the society at present and to reflect the insights to each one’s future activities. These young leaders participated in not only the main body of STS forum but also the special session including the group discussion with Nobel Laureates and activities to enhance their world-wide networking.

This year, ISTC has recommended three young leaders from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Armenia to the forum organizer. Finally, all of these three person had passed the examination and ISTC has supported their participation in the international conference in Japan.

A participant form Kazakhstan talked her impression, “we were witnesses of the dense and profitable discussions among eminent leaders in policy-making, academia and business arenas from around the world. This success was possible thanks to the insightful contributions of the chairs, speakers and, of course, all the participants and young leaders. On October 1 young leaders from academia, industry, and public sectors had opportunity to exchange views with Nobel Laureates and discuss how they can contribute to improving the world through science and technology. I had opportunity to exchange views with 2 Nobel Laureates: Prof. Andrew Zachary Fire - Professor, Departments of Pathology and Genetics, Stanford University, and Prof. Takaaki Kajita - President, Science Council of Japan; Distinguished University Professor, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo. Prof. Andrew Zachary Fire gave advices for young scientists on how to choose successful topic/project; how to write scientific papers correctly; what mistakes to avoid; also speaks about important issues of RNA biology, climate change, sources of energy and genetic engineering. Prof. Takaaki Kajita explained to young leaders’ team the publicly funded grant system of Japan for young researchers, which was very useful information for us. Also many topical issues in modern science and technology were discussed”.

She also mentioned the annual meeting of STS forum and said, “it was held from October 2 to 4, with the participation of nearly 1000 global leaders in science and technology, business and media from over 80 countries, regions, and international organizations. It was a great opportunity for us to meet scientists from all over the world. Listen to informative lectures by world-class scientists. Find like-minded scientists for future collaborative researches. There were also sessions on Energy, Climate Change, Earth and Commons, Life Sciences, Innovative Engineering, Cooperation in S&T, S&T Education, and Digital Society where we not only listened to lectures by expert speakers, but also performed practical tasks, which was a very exciting part for me. In general, the forum was held at a very high level. I am very happy and proud to have the opportunity to be a part of this amazing forum!”

One of the young leaders from Tajikistan, he said, “I would like to express my gratitude to the ISTC for the opportunity of my participation in the STS Forum. Participation in the STS Forum gave us the opportunity to get acquainted with the possibilities of linking science and technology for the benefit of society. In separate groups, the problems of the pandemic in the future, climate change, and other important topics were discussed. I had the opportunity to meet the leading scientists of the world as well as Japan. These connections help us to carry out joint research projects”

The participant from Armenia, she said, “The forum was a great opportunity to be close and to understand how the strategy for science and technology management is worked out in the world and how networking is important on this way. In the forum, the Global Challenges humankind faces now was discussed. Problems and tasks towards making happy and sustainable progress of humankind were addressed to science and technology. Leaders in Science and Technology, policy makers, business people and other players discussed keys for the strategy of the above mentioned issues.  The main tools for effectiveness of these goals were agreed to be networking, collaboration, education, right management of digital society”. 


ISTC will have a plan to support the participants from central Asian countries to this STS forum to be held in 2023, too.