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ISTC Executive Director Awarded an Honorary Doctorate for Services to Research and Innovation in Georgia




The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) Executive Director, Adriaan van der Meer, has today been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Georgian Technical University in recognition of ISTC’s work over 16 years to develop international cooperation in science research and innovation in Georgia. 

Accepting the Honorary Doctorate at an event held in Tbilisi, Mr van der Meer, said: “This is an award that we value as one of the highest accolades ISTC has received during our 16 years of existence and today is a very proud day for ISTC. It is a strong encouragement to continue the work in Georgia and to further integrate Georgian scientists in the worldwide scientific community”. 

ISTC, through its work has offered new opportunities for scientists in Georgia; it has helped the modernization of the research infrastructure and brought Georgian scientists into contact with their peers and colleagues elsewhere in the world. Moreover, funded research has led to high-level publications and is the subject of discussion at international scientific conferences. The individual skills of scientists were further developed through their attending training courses provided by ISTC. An ISTC office is operational in Tblisi including a training center.

Mr van der Meer indicated that the work of ISTC has evolved during recent years to take into account changing needs. New ISTC targeted initiatives have been and are being developed, for example - to discover new drugs and to contribute in the fight against bio-threats through science and new technologies. ISTC expects further contribution from Georgian scientists in these and other areas.

Archil Prangishvili, Rector of the Georgian Technical University noted: "It is an honor for us to award Mr. Adriaan van der Meer with the Diploma and Medal of Honorary Doctor of Georgian Technical University for the fruitful deeds made in the development of cooperation between the Georgian Technical University and International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)".


To date, ISTC projects have been completed in Georgia in the areas of materials, physics, chemistry, space aircraft and land transportation. The total value of these projects is 29 mln USD, of which 4.5 mln USD is at the Georgian Technical University. 

Innovative research (142 projects) has taken place specifically in the field of aerospace and new forms of medicine. ISTC has also supported the development of a computer networking infrastructure which provides further possibilities for commercialization. 

Projects in Georgia of special interest are:

- the development of new materials and metals for industry in particular alloys;
- identification and prevention of epidemic diseases;
- recycling of waste water; and 
- recycling of solid rocket fuel.
Currently, a discussion takes place on the future of ISTC to contribute further to newly arisen scientific challenges such as in the field of health and environment The Center intends a greater focus on the realization of innovation projects as a way to contribute more actively to the process of economic diversification already underway in the Georgia and the CIS. 

Read Adriaan van der Meer's remarks

Notes to Editors

1. The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)
ISTC, based in Moscow, is an international and non-profit organization that promotes international scientific cooperation in Georgia, Russia and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) with the aim of meeting the technological and R&D demands of international business and industry. ISTC seeks to create long-term, sustainable opportunities for scientists and technical researchers within Georgia. 

The total international funding for scientific development in Georgia, Russia and the other CIS countries totals $836.5 million USD, with 2,702 projects successfully completed or underwaysince ISTC became operational in 1994. Georgia has received project funding of over $29 million USD, with 142 Projects. 

ISTC works mainly in the following areas five thematic areas:
- Biotechnology, Public Health, Agriculture
- Sustainable Nuclear Energy with Enhanced Safeguards, Safety and Security
- Environmental Remediation and Climate Change Mitigation
- Renewable and environmentally Friendly Energy Technologies
- Counter-Terrorism and Global Security 

ISTC is supported by Canada, European Union, Japan, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, other Countries of the CIS, Georgia and the United States. 
2. The Georgian Technical University
The Georgian Technical University (GTU) is one of the biggest educational and scientific institutions not only in Georgia, but also in the South Caucasian region and traditionally represents a leading engineering higher school as well as a respected scientific center. GTU offers a challenging intellectual environment in different fields of study distributed among 8 faculties. Trainees can study on 4 educational programs: Bachelor, Master, Doctoral, Professional and Post Doctoral Educational programs.

The GTU consists of 8 faculties, 28 departments and 40 research laboratories and scientific centers.
Faculty of Civil Engineering 
Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunications 
Faculty of Mining and Geology 
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 
Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design 
Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems 
Faculty of Transportation and Machine-Building 
Humanities-Social Faculty

Georgian Technical University has beneficial partner relationships with various international educational institutions and organizations like as CERN, “Siemens”, “British Petroleum”, “Durapact” GMBH, Nisan Motor Co. Ltd, „Boeing-Rotorcraft“, „Julich – Forschungszentrum“, “Schneider Electric”, “GRENA”.

3. Media Contact: 
For full information on the work of ISTC or to obtain a copy of the Annual Report 2009, contact:
English language: Steve Bourne, Telephone +7 (495) 982 3141, e-mail bourne@istc.ru
Georgian language: Irina Khomeriki, Telephone995 (32) 22 37 00 e-mail: khomeriki@istc.ru

ISTC Georgian Branch Office
13 Chavchavadze Avenue, 0179,
Tel:995 (32) 22 37 00 

The International Science and Technology Center
Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 32-34,
P.O. Box 20, 127473 Moscow,
Russian Federation
Tel: +7 (495) 982-3200
Fax: +7 (499) 978-0110
E-mail: istcinfo@istc.ru