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ISTC and The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Meet in Moscow to Discuss Cooperation on Nuclear Energy Safeguard Technologies


As part of a series of working meetings to enhance cooperation between ISTC and IAEA in the area of nuclear safeguards, security and verification, senior representatives from both organizations and about 60 experts from Russian and Belorussian leading experts took part in a two-day program of presentations and technology review at the ISTC headquarters in Moscow. ISTC and IAEA were joined by representatives from the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation, Rosatom, and by science experts from a number of Russian Federal nuclear institutes.

In October 2008, ISTC and IAEA signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at increasing collaboration in the research and development of applications and technology that could contribute to IAEA’s activities in the fields of verification and nuclear security. ISTC and IAEA have now agreed to include a focus on the development of nuclear safeguard technologies as part of the Memorandum. This agreement was formally confirmed at the opening session of the two-day meeting. Subsequent sessions covered new technologies and training needs in relation to enhanced nuclear energy safeguards. 

In 2008, ISTC undertook a review of all projects in the nuclear field since ISTC inception in 1994. Results proved that ISTC has supported projects addressing key topics in nuclear technology, in particular:

  • Nuclear safety and efficiency of operating Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)
  • Novel reactor concepts and Nuclear Fuel Cycle options
  • Nuclear material accounting and control
  • Computer and experimental modeling
  • Nuclear data measurements and accounting
  • Knowledge preservation/management in nuclear science
  • NPP decommissioning
  • Nuclear technologies for medicine
  • Fusion

Read the speech of ISTC's Executive Director, Adriaan van der Meer: Download

IAEA Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Safeguards, Olli Heinonen and ISTC Executive Director, Adriaan van der Meer shaking hands