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ISTC and the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan discuss Bilateral Cooperation


On 14 June 2018, ISCT Executive Director David Cleave met with Zoltan Szalai, Acting Head of the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan, Head of Political, Press and Information section, and Johannes Stenbaek-Madsen, Head of Cooperation section on the possibilities for ISTC involvement in EU-funded Central Asian water programs and the implementation of the new EU-CA Strategy.

The meeting was arranged by mutual understanding in line with the regular dialogue between the ISTC Secretariat and the EU Delegation. It provided an opportunity for an exchange of information on the existing and upcoming EU-funded water management projects in Central Asia and the ongoing elaboration of the new EU-Central Asia Strategy. The meeting was also attended on the EU Delegation side by Gulnara Dussupova, Program Officer, and Snejana Popova, Project Officer, and on the ISTC side – by Kamen Velichkov, Senior Program Manager (SPM) & Diplomatic Advisor and Burkhard Endrullat, SPM.