ISTC and Kuwaiti CBRN Emergency Medicine Master Trainers delivered First National Training Course to Strengthen CBRN Emergency Medicine Preparedness and Response in Kuwait

The three-day course, organized by the Kuwait Institute for Medical Specializations (KIMS) with support from the EU Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Centre of Excellence (CoE) and the International Science and Technology Center. The course is part of the P82 project, funded by the EU’s CBRN CoE. It is active since 2019 and supports all Gulf countries in improving their CBRN Public Health preparedness and response capabilities.
Around 25 doctors, nurses, and paramedics participated in the training. They received two days of theoretical instruction and one day of practical exercises to improve their ability to handle CBRN-related emergencies.
CBRN materials are essential in sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, and energy, but they also pose serious risks if not managed properly. The possibility of CBRN exposure during emergencies makes strengthening CBRN Emergency Medicine response capabilities important for public health.