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ISTC Addresses the Global Partnership Working Group in Berlin


In preparation for the upcoming G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, the Global Partnership Working Group met on February 27-28 in Berlin to review the progress of the G8 Global Partnership Program (GPP) since 2002 and to ensure that GPP commitments are met by 2012. This high level working group, which was established after the creation of the Global Partnership Against Weapons & Materials of Mass Destruction in 2002, also provides a forum for discussions to non-G8 countries about participation in the GPP as donors or recipients. The working group meeting included representatives from more than 24 G8 and non-G8 countries, as well as selected NGO representatives and international organizations. 

The International Science & Technology Center (ISTC), which has already provided around $750 million (USD) to engage over 67,000 former weapons scientists in the former Soviet Union since 1994, has been identified as an important partner in realizing one of the top GPP nonproliferation priorities. Upon special invitation of the Canadian Party, Leo Owsiacki, ISTC Deputy Executive Director for Global Security & Strategic Planning, participated as part of the Canadian delegation and provided an overview of ISTC efforts in support of the GPP. Mr. Owsiacki stressed that there are currently over 150 projects at the ISTC that are related specifically to global security and which channel the research and expertise of former weapons scientists in Russia and the CIS towards areas such as security and safety, and destruction and conversion of CBRN materials, and new counter-terrorism technologies. Mr. Owsiacki also noted that the ISTC is currently developing plans to further adapt its unique experience and capabilities in support of the priorities of the G8 and to address international security challenges in the longer-term. He concluded by stating “Canada, the US, EU, Japan & Korea continue to address successfully their re-direction goals through the ISTC & STCU (Science & Technology Center in Ukraine) and that significant potential remains for the GPP to address aspects of the various GP priority area, not only in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, but potentially in other important geographic areas, and to expand the use of these organizations as effective multilateral implementing bodies.

From left to right: Mr. Leo Owsiacki, ISTC Deputy Executive Director (speaking) and 
Mr. Troy Lulashnyk, ISTC Governing Board Member (Canada)