ISTC 25th Anniversary Young Researcher award winners participated in a trip to Japan and met with the Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

International Science and Technology Center 25th Anniversary Young Researcher award winners participated in a scientific travel mission to Tokyo to meet with colleagues from the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the week of November 6 through 10. Award winners are: Dr. Tornike Kimeridze, Researcher at the Laboratory of Semiconducting and Radiation Technologies in the LEPL Ilia Vekua Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology in Georgia; Ms. Nona Movsisyan, Ph.D student in the Department of Radioecology Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies in Armenia’s National Academy of Sciences; Mr. Parviz Normatov, Chief Scientific Researcher of the Applied Hydrodynamics Department of the Mathematics Institute of the Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences; and, Mr. Adil Zeinelgabi, Researcher in Kazakhstan.
They met with Japanese colleagues at, among other institutions, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology and also visited the historic Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Aidyn Turebayev, Senior Project Manager and Senior Adviser to the Executive Director and Aizada Turekulova, Project Officer, participated in the meetings representing the ISTC.
The ISTC award winners interacted with Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 10 represented by Katsuro Kitagawa, Assistant Minister, Director-General of the Disarmament, Nonproliferation and Science Department; Katsutoshi Ishikawa, an ISTC Governing Board member and Director of the Ministry’s International Science Cooperation; and, Tatsuya Kasahara, Deputy Director of the Ministry’s International Science Cooperation. Mr. Ishikawa hosted a formal dinner for the ISTC researchers. The trip was sponsored by the Japan government, organized by the ISTC.