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International Summer School on Global Security for young specialists.


An International Summer School on Global Security was held on June 24 – July 7, 2012.
ISTC is a co-sponsor of this event.
During the Summer School 2012, special emphasis were put on the following issues:

  • Security and cooperation mechanisms in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Central Asia and Middle East;
  • Nonproliferation of WMD, arms control and disarmament – sustainability of the existing regimes and searching for new forms of international cooperation;
  • Internet governance, information technologies and cyber security in contemporary international relations;
  • Energy, economic modernization and international cooperation in science and technology in CIS and worldwide;
  • Development of nuclear energy: new opportunities and risks;
  • Transnational crime: fighting corruption, money laundering, financing of terrorism, human trafficking, illegal arms and drugs trafficking;
  • The issue of the Iranian nuclear program: impact on the CIS countries and global security;
  • China in global politics and its relations with CIS countries; Russia and other BRICs countries;
  • Russia and the USA: in search of a new modus operandi.

Twenty five young representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other governmental structures, think tanks and universities, PhD and MA students at the age under 35 years were invited to the Summer School from CIS and other Central and Eastern European countries.
The information regarding programs of the event can be found on web site: http://summerschool2012.pircenter.org/eng