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Food Security Research Highlighted at Tbilisi Conference - 25-26 September


ISTC Deputy Executive Director Leo Owsiacki welcomed approximately 100 participants to the “1st Transcaucasus Conference on Plant Pathology” – an event co-sponsored by the International Science & Technology Center and the UK Ministry of Defense and organized by the Institute of Plant Immunity. Both the Georgian Deputy Minister of Science and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture spoke and expressed their delight that such an event was being held, particularly during a difficult time for the country. The 3-day conference hosted 70 scientific presentations by participants from the UK, USA, Azerbaijan, Russia, Georgia, Belarus, Turkey, Switzerland, Armenia, Ukraine, and Tajikistan and demonstrated once again that science is a global and non-political mechanism for continuing interactions amongst the nations of the world. Major sessions focused on Monitoring & Epidemiology of Diseases, Quarantine Diseases & Emerging Pathogens, Developments in Diagnostic Methods, and Disease Control and concluded with a roundtable event addressing the plant protection situation in Georgia. Delegates unanimously expressed their gratitude for the support of the sponsors and the opportunity provided to interact with their colleagues on topics of mutual interest. During his speech, Mr. Owsiacki concluded by stating “Our working methods have evolved during the years and now put greater emphasis on international scientific cooperation, commercialization of research, and building up the capacity of institutes. This conference demonstrates that this is the right direction to follow.”

Leo Owsiacki. ISTC Canadian Deputy Executive Director