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On 21 May 2018, member of the ISTC Secretariat Kamen Velichkov, Senior Programme Manager and Diplomatic Advisor, and Kalamkas Shampiyeva, Project Proposal/Project Agreement Officer, held a working meeting at the ISTC Main Office with Mr. Krister Liljegren, Area Manager, Environics Oy, Finland, a European company specialized in radiation detection equipment that has chosen for a motto: ‘We Sense & Detect for a Safer World’. Mr. Liljegren made a short introduction of Environics, which is a provider of CBRN monitoring solutions across the world. The focus in the company’s own software is towards reach back/expert support issues.

The interlocutors discussed co-operation possibilities, in particular in the ISTC-implemented under the EU Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) Project MC 5.01 15B ‘Support to the Southern African States in Nuclear Safety and Safeguards’, as well as the Project – 60 Support to the CBRN Center of Excellence in Eastern and Central Africa in Nuclear Security. Mr. Liljegren received a debrief about principles for partner participation in ISTC activities and informed that Environics Oy contemplates applying for such status.

Last November, Environics participated in the cross-border exercise between Finland and Estonia, described in the specialized magazine Border Security Report under the title: “The role of expert support in nuclear security”. The Finnish-Estonian joint action represented the first fully real-time demonstration of the centralized alarm adjudication and reach back concept at the European and international level. Environics Ltd built the reach back infrastructure locally and provided the radiation monitoring equipment to the field team. In the past, working with the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU), Environics produced a survey on the Radiation safety in Kiev after fires at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant area.