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Expert Meeting on Redirection of Former Defense Specialists to Environmental Police and Ministry of Emergency Situations


March, 20, 2009 – The experts’ meeting “Development of Joint Program to Redirect the Former Defense Specialists to Environmental Police and Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM)” was held at the State Duma in Moscow. 

The aim of the meeting was to develop recommendations on the creation of methodological guidelines for redirecting former defense specialists of different professions. The document shall identify necessary training, financially supported by international programs, needed to accomplish future work at the Environmental Police and EMERCOM.

The meeting was jointly organized by experts from the Parliament Center “High Technologies, Intellectual Property” of the RF State Duma and the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC). Members of the High Ecological Council of the State Duma, representatives from the Ministries and Agencies of the Russian Federation, ISTC management, senior foreign experts and representatives of the specialized media took part at the meeting.

The presentation made by Henrik Forssblad, chief inspector at the Sweden Environmental Police, was of particular interest as he highlighted the main aspects of such a police and he determined the specific expertise required to carry out the work. 

The following resolutions were adopted;

  • To recognize as socially important the redirection of former defense specialists to the Environmental Police and EMERCOM;

To register the qualified personnel and special scientific groundwork at Moscow scientific and educational institutions working in cooperation with the Russian Parliament for preparation of the methodological guidelines for redirection of former military specialist;

  • It is reasonable to implement the project which consists of creation of methodological guidelines and implementation of a to implement pilot training seminar for 1-2 group(s) of 15-20 people each;

In order to implement the project it is recommended to appeal to the International Science and Technology Center. For this purpose it is recommended to the management of the Parliament Centre “High technologies, Intellectual property” with the help of RF State Duma experts to prepare a project proposal and to submit it to ISTC. Intent on co-funding by the Russian sources is to be provided;

  • To consider the implementation of the project as the basis for a large scale redirection program that could be implemented in the framework of Russian presidential support programs for former military specialists, as well as of the corresponding international programs;

In order to get the State support for the large scale redirection program, the Members of the Duma shall address the Presidential Administration and the Government;
In order to get international support for the redirection program, the Parliamentary Center (High Technologies, Intellectual Property) and the ISTC shall address the ad hoc international organizations and foundations.