Apply for the new Microgrant Program funded by the Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible Use of Small Modular Reactor Technology (FIRST) capacity-building program

The International Science & Technology Center (ISTC) is pleased to announce a new microgrant program funded by the Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible Use of Small Modular Reactor Technology (FIRST) capacity-building program. The ISTC invites you to apply for this funding opportunity. Grant application topics should focus on the potential for small modular reactors (SMRs) to contribute to meeting your country’s clean energy needs in a manner that prioritizes the highest nuclear security, safety, and nonproliferation standards.
Relevant grant topics could include:
- Nuclear safety, nuclear security, and/or nonproliferation considerations relevant to SMRs; regulatory development and licensing considerations concerning SMRs;
- Workforce development, academic exchanges, and educational activities associated with SMRs;
- SMR site selection or technology assessment;
- Activities associated with SMR stakeholder engagement (media relations, public awareness, stakeholder communications planning, etc.)
- Please see the FIRST website for additional topics: FIRST
This opportunity seeks to fund various activities such as workshops, webinars, publications on SMRs for local audiences, educational opportunities involving professors and university students, or focused short-term research projects related to the above topics.
All successful grant applications will not exceed $10,000 USD. The implementation of each grant would not exceed six months. All applications received by the deadline will be ranked using performance criteria established by a committee of subject matter experts. After the grant is completed, FIRST will select several grants for a capstone event to present their report to the FIRST team and ISTC.
Interested applicants should plan to use the attached application form and submit their applications through the dedicated ISTC e-mail with the email subject header “ISTC Microgrant_Country_Your Full Name”. The deadline for submission of applications is no later than October 1, 2024. Please note that the submission deadline is firm, and no extensions will be granted. The selections will be announced no later than October 31.
We thank you for your interest in this exciting opportunity and look forward to reviewing your applications on this emerging topic. Please direct any questions regarding this proposal call to the following email: