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Announcemet: The ISTC-CERN-JINR Summer School on High Energy Physics and Accelerator Physics 2012 will be held at JINR, Dubna, RF from September 26 through October 2, 2012.


The ISTC-CERN-JINR Summer School on High Energy Physics and Accelerator Physics 2012 will be held at JINR, Dubna, Russian Federation from September 26 through October 2, 2012.

It is targeted at postgraduate and PhD students in High Energy Physics and Accelerator Physics from CIS countries and Georgia. 

The course will include five days of lectures, hands-on activities, visits to the JINR experimental facilities and discussions; they will cover the following topics:

- High Energy Physics
- Accelerator Physics
- Substance Condensed State Physics
- Medical Physics
- Computing

The lectures will be given by scientists from CERN, JINR, and other scientific centers. The deadline for applications and reference letters is June 15, 2012.

The supposed ammount of students-participants is about 40.

Mr. Mikhail Korotkov of ISTC can be contacted for further information: korotkov@istc.ru, phone: +7 495 982 32 34

For more information about event ----> uc.jinr.ru