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Airbus in talks with Russian scientific experts on sustainable aircraft technology


Toulouse, June 19th, 2008 - On 17 June, Airbus welcomed representatives from 12 of the leading aerospace research institutes in Russia to a three-day workshop on sustainable aircraft technologies.
The workshop, held at the Airbus HQ in Toulouse, France, marked a new phase in Airbus’s long-term partnership with aerospace experts from the Russian Federation, with Airbus specialists joining their Russian counterparts to discuss and develop a range of potential solutions to the environmental challenges facing the aviation industry. 
The Toulouse workshop was held with the support of The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), an intergovernmental organization based in Moscow and established by international Agreement in 1992 to assist defence specialists from the Former Soviet Union to redirect their talents and expertise towards peaceful science development.

Axel Krein, Head of Airbus Research and Technology, commented “This workshop, held to identify common research activities for sustainable aircraft technology over the next 5-10 years, is a natural development of Airbus’s long-term partnership with Russia, which began in 1991 and has been strengthened by our work with the ISTC. Airbus is now further intensifying its relationship with the many scientists and experts working in the aerospace sector in Russia and is pleased to be a partner with ISTC in this new phase”.
Adriaan van der Meer, Executive Director of the ISTC, added “ISTC has played a role in making genuine science innovation a reality through its non-proliferation work in Russia and the other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. There are few better examples of our shared success, and the usefulness of an organisation such as ISTC, than when we see the experts from Airbus working alongside their Russian colleagues, many of whom previously worked in the defence industries of the Former Soviet Union, now working together to develop technologies of benefit to us all”. 

As an example of the strengthening relationship with Russian science, Airbus is leading a project to be run through the ISTC that will contribute to more efficient cabin air-conditioning systems. The Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry in Novosibirsk will carry out the scientific research work.

For further information, contact:

International Science and Technology Center (ISTC):
Stephen Bourne
Communications Manager 
Phone: +7 495 982 3141
E-mail: bourne@istc.ru
Mrs. Anne Galabert
Regional Press Manager
Communication - GDC
AIRBUS Central Entity

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Mail: anne.galabert@airbus.com