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2 Japan-Russia Scientific Seminars: "Indigenous Flora and Marine Fauna of Russia with Health Promoting ingredients " and "Semiconductor: Problems of Preparation and Characterization of Functional Materials" were held at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan



"Indigenous Flora and Marine Fauna of Russia with Health Promoting Ingredients"
"Semiconductor: Problems of Preparation and Characterization of Functional Materials"


The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC),together with Tohoku University (TU), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SBRAS)and Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEBRAS), convened two TU-SBRAS-FEBRAS-ISTC seminars on 7 November 2013 at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. One is about indigenous flora and marine fauna of Russia with health promoting ingredients, and the other is about semiconductor.

In the former seminar above, there are introductions of plants and marine organisms indigenous to Russia such as sea buckthorn, Russian mushrooms (polypore and chaga), brown seaweeds, sponge (porifera) and sea cucumber and their health promoting ingredients. Stress-tolerant Siberian wheat and Russian tomatoes were also introduced. In this seminar, how these ingredients work for health promotion and how to extract these ingredients were also presented and discussed.

In the latter seminar, there were presentations and discussion on new methods in semiconductor field for getting clean and ordered surface with silicon, carbon, gold, etc. which realize some specific functional materials.

In the both seminars, further cooperation between Japan and Russia in these research fields was explored through discussion.

More information on the Workshop can be obtained from
Ms. Yuko Tsuda, ISTC Moscow, e-mail: tsuda@istc.ru, or +7 (495) 982 31 67