Workshop on the prospects for the implementation of the Master program "International Marketing and Strategic Trade Control"
On 6 June 2022, in the Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn (KNU) held an International Scientific and Educational Workshop on the prospects for the implementation of the Master program "International Marketing and Strategic Trade Control". This Master program was developed at the Department "Marketing, Commerce and Logistics" of the Faculty of Management and Business of the University in cooperation with the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) and the Center on Export Controls (CEC) supported by the European Union.
The implementation of this Master program "International Marketing and Strategic Trade Control" will prepare personnel for the country, competent in the field of strengthening the system of control over sensitive transfers and minimizing the risks of violation of legislation in international trade and economic
The Workshop was attended by representatives of the higher professional education system, professors and bachelors of the Kyrgyz National University(KNU), teachers of the International University of Kyrgyzstan (IUK), government officials and experts from the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the KR, the Ministry of Health of the KR, the Ministry of Defense and representatives of the business community.
Welcoming remarks at the event were delivered by Dr. Bekzhan Temirov, KNU Vice Rector and Dr. Hendrik Visser, ISTC Partner Project Manager. During the Workshop the new master program "International Marketing and Strategic Trade Control" was presented and the issues of its implementation and the importance of learning programs in this area were discussed.
In the second part of the Workshop, experts from the European Union and Kazakhstan spoke and shared their international experiences and ideas on STC issues, and the implementation of educational and research projects in the field of strategic trade control.
This Workshop was organized by the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) in the framework of the EU-funded CBRN Targeted Initiative on Export Controls of Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in cooperation with the Export Control Center (CEC) and the Central Asian Institute for Development Studies (CAIDS)