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The ISTC participated in “BioJapan 2011”.


The ISTC introduced six technologies from Russia and CIS in “BioJapan 2011” (5-7 October, 2011, Yokohama) such as pectin nanocomposites with anticancer effect, transition metal amino acid Schiff base complexes for radiation therapy and masks for respiratory protection. 

“BioJapan” is one of the biggest international exhibitions for bio industries in Japan. This year the exhibition was focused on "Life Innovation" and "Green Innovation", which had been defined by Japanese Government as priority policies for science and technology field.

The organizer reports that there were more than 10,000 visitors during the 3-day exhibition. The ISTC booth attracted attention of those interested in new technologies in Russia and CIS, as well as in cooperation with Russia and CIS. 

For additional information, please, address to Alexander Novikov: novikov@istc.ru

Link to the International exhibition BioJapan: http://expo.nikkeibp.co.jp/biojapan/2011/eng/summary/