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The International Workshop for Regional Cooperation in Seismology and Earthquake Engineering in Central and South Asia was held on 27- 30 October 2014 in Almaty, Kazakhstan


The International Workshop for Regional Cooperation in Seismology and Earthquake Engineering in Central and South Asia was held on 27- 30 October 2014 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The Workshop was co-sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. 

In the past years, UNESCO, USGS, GFZ and other earth science organizations in the South Asia region organized and have sponsored a series of workshops and training courses in Central Asia dealing with seismology, seismic hazard and risk assessment and mitigation with the overall aim to reduce earthquake losses. 

The main objectivel of the workshop was to improve methods of detection of possible earthquake location using multiple data sets from different countries. The Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences agreed to accept the data from each country prior to the workshop and combined the national data sets into a single data set that was used at the workshop. 

This workshop contributed to the understanding of the risks posed by earthquakes in the Asia region. The participants of the event had the opportunity to contribute to the solution of the problems facing humanity encountered in connection with the threat of earthquakes.