Symposium for new insight into carbon nanotechnology and combustion science in Almaty
The symposium was organized by the Institute of the Combustion Problems, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the ISTC. The symposium was opened by a plenary lecture by Prof. Z.A. Mansurov, Head of Institute of Combustion Problems, Kazakhstan, followed by six keynote lectures on the two main subjects – the carbon nanomaterials and the combustion science. More than 50 oral presentations were given during three days period. Many students of KazNU participated as audience and also as poster presenters.
Conducting Symposium provided an exchange of scientific information between scientists of Uzbekistan, Georgia, Italy, US, Israel, Germany, China, Japan, and more different countries that contributed to the solution of important scientific and technical problems and the creation of new energy-intensive manufacturing processes with a high level of environmental safety, attracting the attention of scientists to the problems of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, development of new materials with improved properties and modern efficient technologies and nanotechnology, that is an urgent task today for the further scientific and practical development of the nanochemistry and nanoengineering carbon materials in Kazakhstan.
Proceedings of the symposium in the form of extended abstracts are published in the journals “Combustion and Plasma chemistry” and “Eurasian Chemical-Technological Journal” (
ISTC would like to thank all the plenary and invited speakers for insightful contributions, which surely give a big exposure to the scientific community, and leads towards new collaborations.
Opening session
From Keynote lectures
Poster session
Students' attendance