Press Release. Seminar: Export Control on Dual-use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia
Press Release
Seminar: Export Control on Dual-use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia
A Seminar titled “Export Control on Dual-use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia” will take place on 12-13 October 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan, with the aim to promote cross-border strategic trade control.
This conference is jointly organised by the EU P2P programme for dual use items, the Kazakhstan Government and the International Science and Technology Centre to discuss Export Control challenges in Central Asia and will seek to encourage and facilitate information and experience sharing among participating countries, as well as to bridge the various communities of practitioners concerned, in particular government institutions, academia and scientific research. This event aims to provide an opportunity for broader discussion, and to address the following short and long-term objectives: to reinstate the importance of strategic trade controls in light of new and existing security challenges, and to engage with Academia in the non-proliferation and dual-use export control initiatives by regionalization and thematic enlargement that would include eleven countries in Central Asia and neighboring regions: Afghanistan, Armenia, Georgia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.