Nano, Bio, Environment Workshop, Japan, October 19, 2009

Japan Workshop "Nano, Bio, Environment" to be organized by ISTC and Tohoku University on October 19, 2009 in Tohoku University (Japan) will gather the leading scientists of the Russian Far East and Siberian region. The Heads of the Siberian and Far East branches of the Russian academy of Sciences, as well as leaders of research institutes from Vlapostok and Novosibirsk will attend this meeting. Top level representatives such as A.L.Aseev, Head of the Siberian Branch of the Russian academy of Sciences and the Deputy Head of Russian Academy of Sciences, and V.I.Sergienko, Head of the Far East branch of the Russian academy of Sciences, will give lectures at the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. The workshop is meant to stimulate relations between Japan and the Siberian and Far East regions.
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