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ISTC Debriefs Visiting Members of the EU Parliament on the Progress in Implementation of EU Funded Projects in Central Asia


On invitation by the new EU Ambassador to Kazakhstan Mr. Sven- Olav Carlsson. The ISTC Executive Director David Cleave and Kamen Velichkov, SPM and DA, took part on 17 September 2018 in a debrief by Astana-based international organizations (UNDP, WB, UN Women, ISTC and the NGO Penal Reform International) for a visiting delegation of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, led by MP Cristian Dan Preda.

ED David Cleave informed the EU MPs about the transformation of ISTC and the EU-funded projects that the organization implements in Central Asia and beyond the region. The leader of the EP delegation received an answer on his question about the export control system of Kazakhstan, in particular with regard to exports of uranium, of which the country is one of the biggest producer and supplier.

The meeting was a new demonstration of the enduring cooperation between the EU Delegation and the ISTC Secretariat. Ambassador Carlsson accepted an invitation to visit the ISTC Main Office in the near future.