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On 28 February 2018 ISTC Executive Director David Cleave received at the Main Office Mr. Askar Namazbayev, CFA, EBRD Deputy Director for Kazakhstan. The two interlocutors exchanged information on the priorities of their respective organizations and identified areas of overlapping interest where cooperation is feasible and desirable, such as energy efficiency, renewables and green economy, specific aspects of mining and extractive industries.

One of the main topic of discussion became the major environmental programme of the European Union in Central Asia to address the long-standing issue of uranium mining legacy. The high volume of toxic and radioactive wastes from former Soviet Union mines is impacting on the environment and the population's health. The European Union has funded feasibility studies for priority sites in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The studies have provided plans for remediation complying with the highest international safety standards that are now mature for implementation. The financing of the remediation programme will be done through an international fund set-up upon the European Commission request and managed by the EBRD.

ISTC is already involved in the implementation of one rehabilitation project in Tajikistan and stands ready to offer additional support through its organizational and managerial expertise, as well as its experience with scientific communities in the region.

ISTC DED Aidyn Turebayev and Kamen Velichkov, SPM and Diplomatic Advisor, also attended the meeting.