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Exhibition: BioJapan 2022 PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, 12-14 October, 2022


It is our pleasure to inform you that International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) will support financially* those who are specialists of Biotechnology, Regenerative Medicine, Pharmacy, Drug Discovery, Healthcare and have a concern to exhibit at an exhibition of “BioJapan 2022 ( https://jcd-expo.jp/en/ )” held in October in Yokohama, Japan. The exhibition covers wide area of application of biology/biotechnology as listed below.

*) This financial support is subject to the final decision by ISTC. This decision will depend on the anti-COVID 19 measures to be imposed by Japanese government in future.

In Bio Japan 2021, more than 500 booths including the foreign organizations exhibited at Pacifico Yokohama and about 15,000 people visited during the period of the exhibition and devoted their valuable opportunities to discussion, information exchange and business meetings.

We are now calling for candidates of exhibitor who are researching, developing new biological technologies and/or running biomedical / bio agrarian business, from our member countries: Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Please let us know your intention to be an exhibitor with the information including the name of the institute, two participants (name, position), and the contents to be exhibited in a free format. After selecting the candidates by ISTC, we will request more detailed information.

The deadline of the proposal is end of May, 2022. 

Though the anti-COVID 19 measures to be imposed by Japanese government to foreign nationals entering to Japan may change in future, it is strongly recommended that the candidate already has or is ready to have a COVID-19 vaccination certificates authorized by Japanese government (see, https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page24e_000317.html ) in order to avoid the quarantine period just after arriving in Japan.

Exhibition Areas (see, https://jcd-expo.jp/en/outline.html#about-01)

Drug and drug discovery

Food, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and livestock raising/ Functional food and food ingredients…

Research devices, reagents, disposables and facilities/ Bioinformatics, Bioimaging...

Medical treatment, diagnostics, and medical devices and equipment

Regenerative medicine

Chemical products and cosmetics/Biorefinery , Cosmetics….

Digital Health, Digital Medicine, Digital Therapeutics (DTx), Digital Bio

Professional services/Support


Contact us: International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) (http://www.istc.int/)

Takatsugu Mihara (mihara@istc.int / +7(7172)760 517 (English and Japanese))

Aizada Turekulova (turekulova@istc.int / +7(7172) 729 652 (Kazakh, Russian and English))